Tomato will cure many diseases, | know why it is a boon for health

Tomato will cure many diseases, know why it is a boon for health
  • Tomato is one of the most used vegetables in the world, tomato is used prominently in Indian cuisine.  Without it, it is not possible to think of salads, soups, vegetables, pickles, chutneys, catchups etc.  Tomato has many beneficial elements that enable it to cure diseases.

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Let us  know why tomatoes are a boon for health
  • Tomato is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin C.  In case of acidity problem, increasing the dose of tomatoes would relieve this problem.
  • Tomato contains a lot of vitamin 'A', which is very beneficial for our eyes.  
  • Tomatoes increases digestive power and also eliminates gas problems. 
  • regular intake of tomato keeps the airways clean and cures cough, mucus.
  • Children are benefited by giving tomato juice in case of dry disease.  It also helps in their rapid development. 
  • Consuming a glass of tomato juice in the morning is also beneficial for  pregnant women.
  • Tomato is very useful for the health of diabetes and heart disease.
  • tomatoes also helps cancer patients, as well as it helps in clearing phlegm and stomach. 
  • If there is a possibility of having worms in the stomach, then by applying ground black pepper to tomatoes on an empty stomach in the morning, the insects die after eating.  If you want, you can drink black pepper dipped tomato soup.